The impact of horizontal resolution (1/12 to 1/50 degree) on Gulf Stream separation and penetration is analyzed in a series of identical North Atlantic HYCOM configurations. The specific questions that will be addressed are as follows: How well do the simulations compare to observations? When is a solution « good enough »? Are the mesoscale and sub-mesoscale eddy activity representative of interior quasigeostrophic (QG) or surface quasigeostrophic (SQG) turbulence? We will show that the increase in resolution (1/50 degree) does lead to a substantial improvement in the Gulf Stream representation (surface and interior) when compared to observations and the results will be discussed in terms of ageostrophic contributions and power spectra.

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Journée des Jeunes Chercheurs du LA

Lundi 2 décembre à partir de 14H en salle Coriolis

Séminaire Thibaut Dauhut

Mardi 3 Décembre 2019 – 10h00 Nuages et humidité de la stratosphère tropicale 
